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Work Package 3:

SAMA with Schools

Co-produce and feasibility test of a school climate intervention.

School environment is important to adolescent emotional well-being. 

The school environment refers to the perceived attitudes, beliefs and norms which shape whether staff and young people feel respected and safe (socially, emotionally, and physically).

Project SAMA focuses on improving school environment where it impacts adolescent well-being. 

Our SAMA for School Environment intervention will work with schools to implement initiatives that could improve care, respect and knowledge around adolescent emotional well-being. We will build on existing global and Indian approaches and, through co-production, will tailor these in partnership with our study schools. Young people will be central in initiating and driving school climate environment in SAMA.  Implementation science will be drawn upon to boost the uptake and ownership of the intervention.  

In the feasibility study, the SAMA for School Climate intervention will include baseline, post-intervention and process evaluations, and will include all stakeholders. Our primary outcome is school climate and secondary outcomes will include mental health literacy, perceived mental stigma and perceived support.  

Following co-production, the recruited participating schools will select up to three strategies to implement for up to 12 months with small school working groups. This WP intervention will be implemented in parallel with WP1-2 interventions. Our lay counsellors will support, monitor and log implementation activities. 

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SAMA with Teachers

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SAMA with Parents