Guides, Manuals and Tools

This resource section includes the guides, manuals and tools produced by the Project SAMA research team.

SAMA Snehitharu Safeguarding Protocol

This is the draft safeguarding protocol for the SAMA Snehitharus (referring to the Lay Counsellors) of the SAMA project feasibility/ acceptability stage (hereafter Stage 2). This document primarily details safeguarding adolescents from potential risks potential safeguarding risks to adolescent participants that may arise from their participation in intervention activities as well as research activities related to intervention in SAMA Stage 2 and our protocol to both minimise the potential for harm and to respond when harm or need for intervention is identified. Stage 2 will involve SAMA Snehitharus, adolescents, parents and teachers. It includes a step-by-step guide to safeguarding to be adhered to by the SAMA Snehitharus of the SAMA Team.

SAMA Safeguarding Protocol

This document primarily details safeguarding adolescents from potential risks that may arise from their participation in intervention activities as well as research activities related to interventions in SAMA Stage 2 and our protocol to both minimise the potential for harm and to respond when harm or need for intervention is identified. Stage 2 will involve SAMA Snehitharus, adolescents, parents and teachers. It includes a step-by-step guide to safeguarding to be adhered to by the SAMA Team.

Training young people in film-making (Facilitators manual)

This manual shares activities that combine participatory film-making and participatory research to gain a youth-led insight into the emotional well-being of Indian school going adolescents.