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The role of the school environment on young people's mental health: Insights from research and practice

Join us for a seminar on

“The role of the school environment on young people’s mental health: Insights from research and practice”

About this event

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, NIMHANS (India) and the University of Leeds (UK) jointly host this seminar brought to you by Project SAMA.

Date: Wed 20th July 2022

Time: 9:30am-11:00am BST / 2:00pm-3:30pm IST

Venue: Online

Cost: Free of charge

School climate is a complex, multi-dimensional construct which includes the elements of social, emotional, and physical safety; the presence of respectful behaviour; an importance of learning; and collaboration between students, families, and teachers. A positive school climate can impact adolescent health by reducing risky behaviours, such as smoking, alcohol use and aggression, and increase positive behaviours, such as improved mental health outcomes, interpersonal relationships and academic achievement.

This seminar will delve into the findings of a systematic search conducted to identify evidence-based programmes to specifically improve the school climate. Following, Prachi Khandeparkar (Adolescent Health Project Lead and Psychologist at Sangath) with over a decade of school research experience in India will discuss how the overall school climate is linked with the health and achievements of the students. Drawing on the learnings and challenges from the experimental project SEHER (Strengthening Evidence base on School-based interventions for promoting adolescent health) and the Implementation Projects in Maharashtra, we will explore the significance of providing a school environment that is supportive of every child and is conscious of their nutrition, health, and safety. Finally, we will touch on the importance of the  critical component they identified of ‘empowering the schools’ and letting them lead on bringing the health of the school community to the forefront.

Book your tickets here.

Who should attend: Members of the SAMA Professional Network or people considering becoming a member of the SAMA Professional Network.

Event Programme

9:30am BST / 2:00pm IST  - Welcome Address

Dr Siobhan Hugh-Jones, Associate Professor in Mental Health Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Leeds, UK.

09:45am BST / 2:15pm IST – Insights from global research

Dr Sphoorthi Prabhu, National institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), India.

10:10am BST / 2:40pm IST – Insights from practice (SEHER)

Prachi Khandeparkar (Psychologist and Project Lead-Adolescence Health Promotion Programs, Sangath)

10:35am BST / 3:05pm IST – Broader Network Discussions / Q&As

Dr Poornima Bhola Professor Dept. of Clinical Psychology, National institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), India.

11:00am BST / 3:30pm IST – Finish

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